
الثلاثاء، 24 فبراير 2015

حبوب الرشاقة وأضرارها على صحتكِGrain agility and harm your health

حبوب الرشاقة يلجأ إليها البعض كوسيلة سريعة للتخلص من الوزن الزائد, وفي معظم الأحيان تكون تحت إستشارة طبية, وأدوية التخسيس عموماً تخفي وراءها أعراضاً جانبية تتراوح بين المزعج والخطير.
تقدم لكِ مجلة حياتكِ كل مخاطر حبوب الرشاقة لتكوني على علم بها ومحاولة تفاديها.

- زيادة نبضات القلب وضغط الدم:- Increase the heartbeat and blood pressure:

تعمل بعض أدوية قطع الشهية على تحفيز الجسم والدماغ ووضعه في حالة تأهب دائمة مما يرفع من ضغط الدم ويزيد دقات القلب, لذا إحرصي على ألا تتناولي الكافيين والمنبهات خلال تناولك هذه الحبوب.

- الأرق:- Insomnia:

لا تستخفي بهذا العارض, لأنه سيسلبكِ طاقتكِ ونشاطكِ وسيؤثر على صحتكِ النفسية والجسدية وتظهر تبعاته على بشرتكِ.

- الضغط النفسي وسرعة الغضب:- Stress and irritability:

يسبب التأهب لجهازكِ العصبي, وقلة النوم, وستقعين ضحية الغضب التي قد تكون الكآبة إحدى مظاهرها الواضحة.

- الجفاف:- Drought:

تدر هذه الأدوية البول, مما يساعد كثيراً على إصابتكِ بالجفاف, ولكن يمكنكِ التصدى لهذه المشكلة بشرب الكثير من الماء لأن لجسمكِ أكثر من طريقة للتعبير عن حاجته للماء.

الاثنين، 16 فبراير 2015

Why Travel Makes People Happy

Some people love to travel and others not so much. I love most every aspect of it. I like planning a trip, deciding on the route, what I want to see, where I want to stay, the flights, in fact the whole caboodle. Then there’s the actual trip which is exciting and when it is over, travel gives you (usually) wonderful memories. What is there not to like?

Planning is a great time as you get to choose where you want to go, how you are getting there, all aspects of your trip, including hotel. Today there are so many ways you can get information about the place you have chosen for your trip. For example, say you want to plan a trip to Costa Rica as your neighbors went there last year and they loved it. Certainly you can pick their brains about their experiences there. 

Then you can do your own research. Online is a great place to start as you can look at maps, visit blogs about the place and start planning what you will do when you get there. There are flights to book. Is San Jose the right airport for you or would Liberia be a better choice? Check with different airlines or for the best routes and what the price differences are. Maybe you should do some research into all-inclusive deals or general vacation deals that include hotel and flights.

If you decide you would rather plan your itinerary yourself, then you can spend more time planning your trip. Costa Rica is well known for its beauty and there is so much to do there. You could go on a trip through a rainforest. Maybe a yoga camp? How about car rentals? You could then simply go wherever you want each day and not plan much at all. You could start of in San Jose and spend a night or two there to get to know the city and then hire a car and travel north to Arenal where the rainforests are and the volcano. The area is also a renowned spa town. You can either plan ahead and book hotels or just pick a place to stay when you get there – something that is usually very doable.

You could go further north west until you get to the beautiful Pacific coast where there are lovely small towns on the coast where you can enjoy water sports, go on a trip to see the whales or the turtles, or simply relax on one of the beautiful beaches.

While Spanish is the language of the country, it is not difficult to get by with just English. Travelling by car, you could more or less see the whole country in about two weeks and have a great time. Another plus is that it is near the equator so the weather so the weather is usually beautiful all year round. The people are nice and friendly and the country itself is spectacular and so are the flowers and the birds – they even have monkeys.

After your trip, you can spend your time looking at your photos and re-living the great time you had there. This is just one of the many reasons that travelling is wonderful.


Why You Should Choose A Cruise Vacation

If you love to travel, you should consider a cruise vacation. In the past few years, there have been some mishaps aboard cruise ships, but overall, a cruise is a fun and safe vacation. The media will cover the rare cruise ship fires, but they fail to mention the many cruises that happen safely every day of the year.

If you look at the price of a cruise, it is actually a very cost effective vacation. Just compare the cost of a traditional vacation to a theme park to the cost of a cruise. If you were to take your family of four to Orlando for a visit to the theme parks, you will be paying for the hotel, you will pay for meals, and you will have to pay for admission to the theme parks. This can easily come to $500 per day or more, or $3500 for a week. Now, for a cruise, you will pay for the cruise, which can be as low as $620 per person, or $2480 for a family of four for a one week cruise.

When you pay for a cruise, you are paying for not only the cabin, but the price also includes meals and entertainment. There is a wide range of dining options on most cruise ships. There are buffets open three meals a day. You can eat in the main dining room. Many modern cruise ships also have several specialty restaurants and other dining options, including burgers, pizza, sandwiches, and cafés. Most of the dining options are included in the price of the cruise, but some options do carry an additional fee. But isn’t $30 per person worth it to dine in a high end steakhouse?

Theme parks can provide a great vacation. But the shore excursions on a cruise are so much more fulfilling. In most ports of call, you will have a wide variety of shore excursions to choose from. You can take a tour of the city or island, or visit local markets to do some shopping. If you want a relaxing time, some ports of call offer a serene sunset cruise on a sailboat or catamaran.

If you have a taste for adventure, many ports of call, especially in the Caribbean, offer parasailing or zip lines through the jungle. Other shore excursions take you scuba diving or snorkeling. For a lower key excursion, however, you may choose to simply lie on the beach and soak up the sun. But you certainly do not need to go on a shore excursion on the cruise. You can simply relax on board the ship next to the pool, or in one of the hot tubs.

A cruise vacation can be much more cost effective than a traditional vacation, and provide you with plenty of options for fun. The dining options on a large cruise ship are many and varied. And the shore excursions provide you with a wide range of fulfilling activities. And of course a cruise offers the opportunity to simply relax.

The most famous kings and princes: starting from August King Jabbar to "Green Prince" In Germany

It should be noted that many of the palaces and gardens in Germany, was established in the original places of residence and private residence, and the sanctuary. And reflects the architecture of these ancient buildings personal and family history of celebrities Giants sovereignty in German history.

Condemns a masterpiece of the current World Heritage of UNESCO, a Dikh Muskau make it possible to trip the "Green to Prince," von Böckler-Muskau to England. The history of the emergence of Neuschwanstein Palace to honor the Bavarian King Ludwig II - and being under the yet unfinished construction due to the King miserable for his early death and isolation. Many of these historical stories related to the limitations of the nobility in Germany.

Feltshahd Dresden through the eyes of the mighty King in August, and transmitted to the effects of "Alter Fritz" Hotel Sanssouci during the Summer Palace: Here is the people behind the picturesque architectural buildings.


الجمعة، 13 فبراير 2015

Thai Restaurant above the trees in the form of the Bird's Nest

Thai Restaurant above the trees in the form of the Bird's Nest

Restaurant strange kind of looks like a bird's nest, and the cost of a meal for two at this restaurant is about £ 283, which is cost prohibitive.

The restaurant tables are made of wicker, and built on the tops of trees rising 16 feet above the ground Kaloashash manufactured by birds.

And be able to have lunch at this restaurant Show magnificent rainforest and coastline surrounding it, as well as Sovina Curl luxury resort in Thailand.

There is no reason to get out of their places customers to order food, because there is a waiter bird to deal with all requests, and instead use the stairs to climb to the top, there is a crane lift tables up and down.
  The resort offers traditional delicious Thai dishes, including fish caught from the surrounding beaches.

  I leave you with images


source :  startimes

A new resort on the shore of Oyster Bay in Tasmania Australian

In a charming area on the southeastern coast of the island state of Tasmania Australian Tasmania held resort in the Freycinet Peninsula Island, specifically when the distinctive curve known as the Gulf oysters Great Oyster Bay, where you come to this place whales and migratory dolphins exercise movements Performing and games is water, and that large quantities of oysters come this place to lay their eggs in fresh water when the rocks, making the resort in a permanent sufficiency of lobster, shrimp and oysters and many marine creatures fresh.

Look after the place of its existing "Saffire Freycinet" resort

It Saffire Freycinet resort which features his presence in the region is one of the cleanest places in the world and Oanagaha air and water, which attracted over hundreds of years, many for housing, agriculture and the exploitation of its abundant resources, and remains to this day an attractive area of marine and agricultural and livestock production, in addition to its appeal to tourists in recent .

Pink granite mountains that surround the resort

Form this place over millions of years, and docked with the mountains of granite known as Hazards Mountains white sands and blue waters to finally be a normal plate beauty breathtaking, studies indicate that the area was inhabited by locals long-time is estimated at 35 thousand years, but the first European had Dutchman Abel Tasman in 1642, was seen as a nature reserve since 1916 that began the tourist activity, but timidly, where he built the cottages and buildings to house tourists since 1930, has caught fire in the largest of which was then re-building again in 1954, and is the first step the fact of tourism since 1970, when spread its name in the world and has been associated with breeding the rare marine creatures.

The resort wings as seen from the inside with a debut on the outside

All 20 suites resort guestrooms wings design ranging from 80 to 140 square meters, is designed to give maximum privacy while taking into account the need to enjoy the picturesque views of the mountains and the beauty of the blue water and white sandy beaches.

Side of the Jacuzzi and massage rooms

Featuring Furniture resort as a blend of ancient and modern taste, with vaccinations cut from local timber, and the landscape is often of all windows resort is so pink granite that makes up the mountains surrounding the Gulf, permanent view throughout the day is a wonderful background constantly from morning until nightfall .

Saffire Freycinet resort has all the sophisticated means and requirements of luxury and luxury; is subject to galleries Jmaniziom and massage, sauna and Jacuzzi, and, of course, has not ignored the restaurants that rely mainly on fresh local production, most notably Alfred Palate restaurant, which sought to forty visitors in front of a panoramic view with superb offer delicious local dishes from the bounties of the surrounding area.

It also offers accommodation at the resort a large list of free tourist activities that will provide enough options for all tastes, and make visitors in touch with the elements of the place of genius; for example resort offers a tour of the oyster farms by stomach so Boats Freycinet Marine Oyster Farm and during the tour taste Visitors this huge oysters that characterizes the region from other type, as well as visits there throughout the day to the nature reserve Freycinet National Park, which is accessible on foot.

Belonging to the resort Saffire Freycinet boats up to the oyster farm

The access to the resort Saffire Freycinet more ways than one, is the easiest access to the Hobart Airport airport of any Australian city, and from the airport can ride Seaplane Seaplane transporting resort guests in 45 minutes at a cost of $ 1,300.

اضغط على الصورة لرؤيتها بحجمها الطبيعي

Dolphins come to this area during migration

Palate restaurant with a magnificent panoramic view of the bay 

The resort lobby

The resort suites from the inside
اضغط على الصورة لرؤيتها بحجمها الطبيعي

All suites overlooking the bay and the mountains
اضغط على الصورة لرؤيتها بحجمها الطبيعي

Luxury spa suites that feature harmonically colorsاضغط على الصورة لرؤيتها بحجمها الطبيعي

Finally shellfish that are distributed during the trip to the farm oyster dishes

Source: star times

The most exciting places in America Tourism

Do you want a business trip to get to know America's tourism .. ??
Would you like to visit the most exciting attractions and the beauty of tourism in America .. ??
Today I will take you on a trip to the most beautiful places in America to raise ..

Of the most scenic places stirring and beauty in Tourism America is Sedona This beautiful town is so irresistible and there are many attractions and distinctive dramatic canyons, mountains, and you'll learn there is another side of tourism America more calm from the bustle of other attractions is received and is famous for its tourism America .




2. Mount Whitney MOUNT WHITNEY:
If you would like to identify the most exciting tourist attractions and adventure tourism in America you visit Mount Whitney, which is the highest mountain peak in the United States and is considered Mount Whitney of the most tourist attractive places for tourists in the tourism America especially for amateur mountaineering.

Mount Whitney

Mount Whitney

Mount Whitney

3. Konondrom CONUNDRUM:
This is the spot of the most important tourist places in tourism America mysterious stirring appointed hot water that lies between two mountains of the Colorado Rockies tops, one of the charming places in tourism America and called on the eye hot spring Puzzle name which is already a big puzzle. When the tops of mountains covered in snow hot water in the eye, therefore is one of the exciting tourist places in America Tours.




4. Glacier Georgi GLACIER GORGE:
Tourism America has many tourist places exotic and beautiful, including the Glacier Georgi or ice gorge How beautiful a business trip to the glacial lakes and visit the Rock Mountains National Park Falls and get to know one of the multiple aspects of American tourism.

Glacier Georgi

Glacier Georgi

Glacier Georgi

5. Havasu Falls HAVASU FALLS:
If you want action adventure will not forget all your life do not miss a visit Havasu Falls one of the most important tourist places in tourism America these waterfalls are located in the south of the Grand Canyon Havasupai protected and you can swim in pools and lakes, waterfalls or jumping from height 60 feet above the waterfalls and enjoy the work trip in the most scenic places in the beautiful and charming tourism America.

Havasu Falls

Havasu Falls

Havasu Falls
